Being an entrepreneur is an emotional roller coaster. It is risky. It can be lonely. However, it can also be very rewarding. It can be everything you have ever dreamed of.
Today I am sharing three habits you need to develop if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.
It is shocking how many entrepreneurs don’t have goals. Even more, never write them down. They somehow keep them floating around in their head. That would never work in my head. Yesterday, there were two things I remember needed to be added to the grocery list. I made the mistake of not capturing them somewhere. Today I can only remember one of the items I know we needed. That second item? Well, it is lost somewhere in my brain. Does this happen to you? It happens regularly to me. I have way too much going on to keep everything in my head. How do they keep their goals straight, focused, or even top of mind if they aren’t written and in front of them?
My goals are written and mapped out and sit on the wall beside me. It keeps me focused and helps me prioritize when the next shiny item comes my way.
Habit one: write down your goals.
I know many of you are getting ready to close this blog because of this habit. I wanted to write down “use a planner” but worried I might cause a revolt. I will admit I use an electronic calendar to keep track of appointments and meetings. I use a bullet journal to plan my week. The bullet journal has grown and changed with me, allowing me to perfect my system. I have tried different layouts, processes, etc. I have one I love now. If you have ever looked at a bullet journal, they are full of fancy pages and trackers. I’m a minimult bullet journnaler. I don’t draw pictures, use tape, or cut and paste. Over time, I’ve pulled out more and more unnecessary pages and trackers. Leaving me with a straightforward journal.
Want to see my journal? That may be a blog for another day.
I will never tell anyone to use a bullet journal. I will tell you what works for me; you have to find what works for you.
However, what I will suggest is that you prioritize and plan. I recommend you plan in order of priority. Plan those essential items first and work your way down. Leaving little to no room for the very low priority items. Those low priority times are likely filler/make busy work and shouldn’t even be on your list.
Habit two: prioritize and plan.
This one shouldn’t surprise you if you have been following me. It might I am new to you. Being an entrepreneur is demanding and emotional. Being an entrepreneur requires you to wear many hats, and those are not the only hats you wear. In addition to being an entrepreneur, you are likely a friend, a daughter, a mother, a caregiver, a partner, and … you know what you are. It is easy to get pulled and drained by all your responsibilities. This is why you must prioritize yourself. Learn what you need and ensure you give it to yourself. Perhaps this is bubble baths and pedicures. Maybe it is removing clutter or closing items/tasks/project items that continue to drain you. It could mean belonging to a community of entrepreneurs that understand you. Perhaps it means doing some internal work. What it means to put your mask on first today might be different tomorrow. The key is to listen to yourself, know what you need, and ensure you give it to yourself.
If you are empty, you have nothing to give. Nothing to give your business and, most importantly, nothing to give to all those other hats you wear (mother, daughter, friend, …).
Habit 3: Put your mask on first.
I will never tell you that these three habits will make you successful. However, if you don’t have these habits, I don’t know how you will be. All of these habits are meant to be customized to you. The way you execute and implement them is as unique are you and your business.
Do you have all three habits in place? Which one(s) do you need to work on?
Is there another habit you would add to this list?
“Success is the product of daily habits – not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” James Clear
“Success is the product of daily habits – not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”
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