I don’t feel tough…

It’s Saturday… it’s an unusual Saturday because we don’t have any plans today, which is good because I’m still recovering from gall bladder surgery. My husband would prefer I was resting (he worries about me). But I want to work. Weekends are when I feel the most free and creative to work on my business.

Starting a business is scary. For years I have hidden behind my husband’s businesses or an MLM. But to start my own? To put my ideas out there? To believe I have something of value? Something people need? It feels vulnerable. Creating a business is vulnerable; every limiting belief and every unresolved issue surfaces. But this is for another article…

Today, as I sat in front of my computer to start some work, I saw an email from my favorite store, Indigo. In the email, they featured an article from Neil Pasricha. I have read one of his books, a second is on my shelf ready to be read. The article was, “How to get a little bit tougher in just 2 minutes a day”. I clicked on the article… I sure could use getting tougher right now…


In the article he talks about two-minute mornings… two minutes where he answers the following questions….

I will let go of …

I am grateful for…

I will focus on …

Do you journal? I do. I try every day, but I average about five times a week. I have tried free form journaling, structured journaling, I’ve tried the 5-minute journal, and today I do an odd combination… I free-form in a journal, but in my bullet journal I record daily what I’m grateful for and what my top three activities are for the day. I put these in my bullet journal so I have them with me all day keeping my focus on them. In the same bullet journal, I assess my week and the month overall.

So Neil’s questions were not necessarily new to me… what was new what how he was using/answering them.

I will let go of… helps avoid revisiting a worry throughout the day (I am not doing this right now)

I am grateful for... helps be more positive everyday

I will focus on… keeps your attention on a big goal. (Not just a task I have to get done… a place, thing you maybe want to be more present with?)

Will these actually make me tougher? I’m not sure… but I like the idea of letting go of something that is haunting me every day. I tend to focus on things… creating loops in my mind that are no good. Re-playing something I said, an email I sent or didn’t send. Letting it go would be healthier. As for focus… I realized recently that I am not always present… maybe I could choose something every day to be more present with.

Since I’m always trying to find ways to better myself this might be something to try. A small change/addition to my daily journaling. Do you want to try it with me?

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
