7 ways to be productive when burnt out

Have you ever been burnt out? You know that feeling of being so very exhausted. With that exhaustion comes the overwhelm and feeling depleted, like everything is weighing on your shoulders.    Even though you love what you do, you can’t … Read more

Let’s make a mindset shift about time.

There is an activity I do with some of my clients to uncover your interests.  When we do the exercise, I look at what you like to talk about, research, acquire, contemplate, and know a lot about.  If you look … Read more

An Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon:  A Mastermind

When I left my corporate job to become an entrepreneur, I was unprepared for it. I became overwhelmed, lonely, and consumed overnight.   Where I once knew my part of the big picture, I suddenly was the big picture. I had … Read more

The Cost of the Hustle Culture

In my January newsletter, I discussed my new habit this year.  I shared how I like the idea of listening to podcasts and audiobooks but couldn’t find the space to do so.  In my planning workshop in December, a member … Read more

End the year strong with ROAR

I love new beginnings.  I love the start of a new day, week, month, quarter, and, most especially, a new year.  I love that each new beginning is an opportunity to improve.  Now that you know this about me, you … Read more

Is Imposter Syndrome Holding You Back? How to Overcome it.  

Imposter Syndrome is something many people struggle with—those feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or unworthy of their success.   Despite apparent successes, people still feel like a fraud. They downplay compliments and attribute their success to others or luck.   Many of my … Read more

Why routines are good for your business

People usually think it’s too much when people see my calendar or hear about my success systems. They feel the structure will suffocate, prevent creativity, or take too much time. The reality is the opposite.  When I suggest clients create … Read more

Is a Mastermind group right for your business?

When I launched Acuity Path in 2020, I launched with the idea that Mastermind groups would be the foundation of my business.  A way I could help thousands of entrepreneurs a year.   I didn’t call them mastermind groups; however, I … Read more

How to prepare for time away from your business.

If you ever got to look at my calendar, you would see I have two. The first contains all the booked meetings/appointments. The other contains my ideal week.  If I only had the booking calendar open, you wouldn’t understand how … Read more

8 Tips to Boost Productivity Working from Home

As North America returns to school and the structure and routine that comes with it, many of us are also refocusing on our businesses.  I decided to take this opportunity to revisit best practices for working from home. This shift … Read more

You can love your business again.

When I decided to leave my corporate job and become an entrepreneur alongside my husband, friends told me I was brave.  Three years later, when I decided to return to corporate, I didn’t feel so brave anymore. I felt a … Read more