When I am on a call with potential clients, do you know what I hear over and over again? 

Some version of impostor syndrome. 

It can sound like this: 

  • I didn’t go to college; I’m not as qualified. 
  • I just got lucky. 
  • I have no idea what I’m doing. 
  • I can’t do this. 
  • I just want to help people 
  • I can’t charge someone for this. 

Unsaid, but there is:

  • I feel like a fraud
  • I’m no good at this
  • Who am I to do this?
  • What if someone finds out? 
  • I’m not good enough. 

Do you know I think so highly of everyone I work with that I am often in awe that they chose to work with me?  I’m just Jennifer.  Yep, I suffer from imposter syndrome too.  

I train with some of the best coaches and trainers around.  Yet they, too, have admitted to feeling imposter syndrome. 

Studies show that over 70% of professionals have experienced imposter syndrome. 

I believe it’s higher. 

I believe that the only people who don’t experience imposter syndrome are imposters.  

I work with entrepreneurs.  Entrepreneurs are always looking forward.  They strive to be the best version of themselves.  They are constantly looking to uplevel, get better, and grow.  We are often pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone.  Each time we hit that wall, I think we inevitably will feel a level of imposter syndrome. 

When someone indicates they have these doubts, I realize that these are people who care about their work.  They want to serve their clients the best they can.  I know they don’t want to do harm and have the best of intentions.  I know these are good people.  I know these are people I can work with because they want to grow.  

How can we deal with imposter syndrome? 

It starts with acknowledging the feelings and labeling them.  Once we recognize them, we can thank our unconscious for the awareness and then reframe the thoughts.  Reframe them with more positive thoughts. 

Think about it like the imposter syndrome thoughts are coming from the evil villain living in your brain.  (I encourage you to give your evil villain a name) When you acknowledge the voice of the evil villain, you can call upon your plucky hero.  (I would name them too!).  Your plucky hero can reframe or fight back with the voice of reason, reassurance, and support.  They can remind you what an incredible, amazing, and awesome person you are.  They can remind you of all the successes you have had and the people you have helped.  

Your plucky hero should talk to you the way you would speak to someone who came to you for help.  What wise words of advice would you give someone who came to you with imposter syndrome?  

Finally, share your feelings with others.  An accountability group is a good place for this.  By sharing our feelings, we can get support, find out we are not alone and get reminded about how much you have to offer the world.  

Our accountability groups also help by hearing the challenges of other entrepreneurs.  By listening and helping, we realize that we all struggle, and we all have something unique to offer. 

Your goal is not to let those feelings of imposter syndrome hold you back.  You want to acknowledge, express gratitude, reframe, and take action anyway.  

And remember, you are capable, you are talented and you belong.  I see your awesomeness. 

You don’t have to be an expert. No one is expecting you to be an expert. All you need to do is show up and be you.

Ruth Soukup