Every 90 days, I sit down and do a significant assessment of my goals. I check in on where I am and want to go, adjust my big goals, and then plan what I will do over the next 90 days to get me where I want to go.
I love this 90-day planning process.
However, this is not the only time I check in on my goals.
I have a regular process for checking in on my goals. It’s a process you can also do if you have a team. It’s a process I considered when building the layout of my accountability/mastermind groups.
Keep reading to learn more.
You will see a recurring meeting every Monday at 5 pm in my calendar. This is the date/time that works for me and my business partner.
It hasn’t always been at this day and time; it has moved around to accommodate our schedules and goals. But for the last 18 months, it has been in this time slot.
We call it a management meeting; others may call it a meeting pulse. You could call it whatever you want.
The purpose of the meeting is to check in with each other, check on our progress, celebrate, and manage any challenges/issues that have come up.
Although we may talk about time-sensitive items between our meetings, I save those things that are not time sensitive for this meeting to be efficient.
We run the meeting the same way every week.
We start with wins. It’s good to start on a positive note. We celebrate each other and learn about each other’s successes, and it also shifts a bad day into something positive.
We then do a key metrics check-in. Are there any questions about the numbers we track weekly? This is usually quick. It’s also our time to inquire about month-end results and other financial-related questions.
Next, we do a goal check. For each of our quarterly goals, we let each other know if we are on track. If we are not on track, we may discuss what is getting in our way and why. How can we help, or what support we may need?
We then provide each other with a staff or customer headline. This could be a celebration headline or a challenge headline. If it is a challenge, it may also get moved to our challenge/issue list to be addressed later in the meeting.
The next step is to review any miscellaneous to-do’s assigned at the previous meeting. These are to-do’s that are not related to goals. This could be generating a list of customer thank-you gifts for discussion or completing the insurance renewal.
Finally, we discuss any issues/challenges that are on our list. The issues/challenges are prioritized, and we start with the highest priority and discuss them.
The meeting is an hour at maximum. Whatever issues/challenges we don’t get to are there for the next week.
Because we do this weekly, we rarely have any issues/challenges that aren’t addressed.
I created the acuity path accountability/mastermind group, especially for those that don’t have a team.
In my groups, we start with a win. We then check in on what you want to be accountable for (ideally, this is your goal). We then open the floor up for discussion of any challenges. Then we close with new commitments for the next meeting (again, these are ideally goal-related but could also be miscellaneous items you need to get done).
Do you see similarities? Wins, goal check-ins, and issues/challenge discussion.
Suppose you don’t have a business partner. In that case, an accountability/mastermind group will be as effective and, in some cases, even more effective because you benefit from a group of people.
The most significant benefit of this process is knowing immediately if you are on track (or not) with your goals. You can get support, advice, or direction regularly, which helps you stay on track or get back on track quickly.
This weekly meeting format was a win for us when we implemented it. Before this agenda format, our regular meetings felt more like we were putting each other on trial. Now they start positive, are supportive, and don’t get derailed and off-topic.
The best part is that there are no surprises about where we are with our goals at the end of a quarter. We are transparent with each other.
Do you have a process for staying on track? What do you do?
Progress lies not in embraching what is, but in advancing toward what will be.Khalil Gibran
Progress lies not in embraching what is, but in advancing toward what will be.
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Want to learn more about our accountability Groups? Learn more here
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