Each year, the Earth starts a new journey around the sun. It begins in the same place and ends in the same place. The journey never changes. If you are comfortable ending 2024 in the same place you are today, close this blog and move on.
However, if you are like me, you want more. I want to grow as a person, in my business, with my friendships, as a wife. To live more fully than I did in 2023. Basically, I want my year to look different than 2023 and be different at the end of the journey.
If you are like me, let’s look at ten tips for a successful journey around the sun. You don’t have to do them all. Even adding one tip will change your journey.
Most will recommend getting up early so you have time for yourself, but what if you are more of a night person?
I love early mornings. The quiet of the morning and the opportunity for a fresh start. I use this time to meditate, journal, reflect, move, and learn. It depends on my time, but I use it for me.
If you are not a morning person, you can do this same activity at the end of the day. Or maybe you can carve out some time at lunch or before the kids get home. Find a way to adjust your day, so you have some time for yourself and use it for solitude, mental clarity, or just your well-being.
I am starting a new practice of listening to podcasts as I get ready in the morning. I’ve always wanted to listen to more podcasts or audiobooks but never found the space. Then, I realized that getting ready in the morning was a space I could use for podcasts. (Thank you to Adrienne, who inspired this idea).
Where, when, and how you do your daily learning is up to you. Read, take courses, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, or watch YouTube videos. The point is to feed your mind, expand your knowledge, and get curious.
The mind and body are connected. It is essential to take care of both. Movement is also a way to move stress through our bodies to avoid getting stuck.
Until recently, I had been practicing Taekwondo three times a week. I usually practiced or did strength and flexibility exercises when I wasn’t at the studio. In November, I broke my collarbone. I’ve been a bit restricted in what I can do for exercise. But I am thankful every day for the fitness I have. Managing life one-handed has been a challenge, one that would be harder without the balance and strength I already had.
Find something you enjoy and get moving. Maybe it’s yoga, biking, hiking, or even dancing. The key is consistency and integrating it into your routines to boost your physical health, mood, and overall health.
Writing down your goals is a way to gain clarity and focus. It enables us to solidify our intentions and put a plan to the idea. In the planning workshops, I teach everyone to create a map for their goals. It’s all about breaking the goal down into smaller steps. It’s a guide on completing the goal, what you need to do, and when. No plan is ever perfect, but adding in a practice of reviewing your goals regularly so you can reassess and adjust as needed will help you keep moving.
We are social creatures. We aren’t meant to live in isolation. Seeking guidance, mentorship, support, and accountability can make the most significant difference between success and failure.
I remember struggling in my first three years as an entrepreneur. I had the most success when I took a program and was assigned a mentor. Since then, I have found the best success when surrounded by like-minded people who support me and when working with a coach to guide and hold me accountable. Find what works for you.
Maybe one of the Acuity Path Mastermind/Accountability groups or even one-to-one coaching would be a good fit. Or find a network of people who can provide advice, support, and cheer you on when needed. This one tip could be a game-changer.
Mistakes and failures are stepping stones. They are opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. I love to read, but I learn best by doing. This means I do make mistakes. However, I have found that I understand faster and make better progress when I take action than if I spend time trying to be perfect. This tip leads nicely into tip 7…
Procrastination, perfectionism, fear, overwhelm …
There are many reasons why we don’t start, and that first step is the hardest to take. However, once we start, we often keep going; the momentum is built through action.
Entrepreneurship has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I can feel various emotions in one day, ranging from excitement to frustration. I can feel the exhilaration of a win and the challenges weighing me down.
However, it has also been one of my life’s most rewarding journeys and is why I keep moving forward. When I see a client succeed, when they get excited about their business, have an aha moment or a breakthrough, it is everything. Setbacks are part of the journey. Use some tips above to help you navigate the ups and downs, but don’t give up.
One way to keep going is to celebrate. As entrepreneurs, we are often too focused on the next task, the next goal, the next something that we don’t stop and acknowledge the wins along the way. Recognition and celebration are important, no matter how small the win.
At the end of my day, I take time to write down my wins. It’s easy to think about all the things I still have to do, but taking a moment to recognize what I did accomplish can be the difference between feeling good about my day and feeling defeated. What can you do to introduce celebration into your routines?
Don’t forget to enjoy life. I recently wrote an article that talked about life harmony over balance. In harmony, we focus daily on doing things to bring joy and accomplishment into our lives. Without the joy, life becomes a little dull. You forget why you are doing what you are doing. Why you work so hard. So make time each day for joy. Find pleasure in little things and plan for big ones. Create memories that you will look back on and cherish. Make this journey around the sun filled with laughter, joy, and memories.
As this new orbit begins, the aim is not just to go through the motions and end up exactly where you started. But to do something different to end up in a different place. Embracing these principles creates a roadmap for success, ensuring a fulfilling journey around the sun. So here’s to the voyage ahead—a journey filled with growth, resilience, and triumphs, all while cherishing the beauty of the ride. Cheers to the adventure that awaits!
I’d love to hear what you will do differently this year. Direct message me, and let’s get together to chat.
“Her TimeShe has been feeling it for awhile – that sense of awaking. A gentle rage is simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her – she will nurture it and let it grow. She won’t let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core – this is her time. She will not only climb mountains – she will move them too.”Lang Leav, The Unviverse of Us (Volume 4)
“Her TimeShe has been feeling it for awhile – that sense of awaking. A gentle rage is simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her – she will nurture it and let it grow. She won’t let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core – this is her time. She will not only climb mountains – she will move them too.”
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