It’s mid-January and by now most resolutions have failed.
I don’t set resolutions.
As an entrepreneur, I use the same method for my personal goals as I do in my business. I figure out what changes I need to make, I plan the best way to achieve the change and I take action. I make the change knowing that it takes 66 days to create a habit.
I don’t usually tie the change to a date like January 1st.
Don’t get me wrong, I love new beginnings. I love the fresh start of January 1st, a new quarter, a new month a new week. These new beginnings are great times to start something new or get back on track. However, Monday, October 18th is just as good as January 1st to start something new. Actually, I think it might be better.
When we start something new on January 1st like going to the gym, eating healthily, quit smoking, we are often doing it because end-of-year reflection has us wanting to do better.
But, are you ready to make the change on January 1st?
At the end of summer 2021, I knew I wanted to make a change and get my body moving. I didn’t take my first Taekwondo class until the middle of October. I made the decision to make a change, but I had to figure out HOW I would change, I had to consider what would work and what wouldn’t work, then I had to prepare. I researched studios, checked the hours, contacted them, and booked my intro classes.
Then when I made the commitment, I ensured that I didn’t miss a class because I knew I had to build the habit.
I did the same thing when I decided to do a food sensitivity cleanse. After getting our results in early December, we held off to start the cleanse until mid-January We picked the date based on when we had holiday plans and then purged the house of temptations.
Resolutions fail because we aren’t ready on January 1st. Likely you set your resolution because there is something you want to change. However, you might not be ready. Maybe you haven’t fully committed to the change yet, or maybe you are still in the middle of preparation and by starting too early, you set yourself up for failure.
If you set a resolution and fail. Don’t’ give up. Just ask yourself if you have the right goal and make sure you are ready to commit to the change. When you are ready, give yourself the time to prepare before you start the clock.
If you are ready and prepared, you will be more likely to succeed.
Oh, and a little accountability never hurt anyone. Find a buddy or join an accountability group. You will be surprised what a difference that can make.
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, I believe in new day or new hour resolutions.Robert J. Braathe
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, I believe in new day or new hour resolutions.
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