3 things to start your morning right

It has been almost three years since I read “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma.  Yet, three years later I still use the basics of his 20/20/20 formula to start my day.  I’ve made tweaks to it.  I’ve made … Read more

The power of the Tortoise

The planning workshop was a success!  Those that attended the workshop asked great questions and participated at 100%. I’m excited about all they will accomplish in 2022.   The Tortoise and the Hare is a children’s fable, but it is really … Read more

A small change, big results

Do you plan your day? I do. If you have ever attended my planning workshop, you know I plan my year, quarter, month, week, and day.   I have been doing this for a long time because it works.   However, I … Read more

Why does your resolution fail?

It’s mid-January and by now most resolutions have failed. I don’t set resolutions.  As an entrepreneur, I use the same method for my personal goals as I do in my business.  I figure out what changes I need to make, … Read more

Can you have a bad day?

January 3rd, 2022 – the first Monday of 2022, I was gearing up to kick butt.  I was at my desk at 8:30, had my first meeting at nine and, was hosting the weekly working group at 10!  My intentions … Read more

Flourish and Faith

The planning workshop was a success!  Those that attended the workshop asked great questions and participated at 100%. I’m excited about all they will accomplish in 2022.   In the planning workshop, I spend the first part of the workshop celebrating, … Read more

Never too late

Do you believe there is an age limit to when you go to school?  Start a business?  Go on a Safari? Do you believe there are age limits to when you start, finish or do certain things?     I did.   I … Read more

Lesson from “The Christmas Carol”

(I’m unplugging a bit for the holidays. This blog was first published on December 21, 2020) I love love Christmas movies. I love the classics like “It’s a wonderful life,” newer movies that are becoming classics like “Polar Express,” and … Read more

Creating your Map

I’m preparing for our next Planning workshop.   As I prepare, I’m thinking about all the things I learned over the years to create goals that work.   The Map was one of the biggest things I learned, and I shared this … Read more

Saying yes to what is uncomfortable

I advocate on saying no.  To say no to the things that do not help you reach your goals or make you excited.  I know saying no can be hard.  I genuinely get it.  I get it because it has … Read more

Snakes and Ladders

Do you play games?  Board games?  I do.   Did you know that about me?  I like many different types of games.  I play most games the same way.  I want to know the objective, how the game is scored, and … Read more

Starting from here

I’m a planner.  I am a goal setter.  I need accountability.   I hate to exercise.  Knowing this about me likely explains why I failed every time I tried to follow a self-motivated, in-home exercise plan.  I would start well but … Read more